Terms of Service
Refund Policy
- Refunds are not self-initiated.
- Refund requests are valid only within 48 hours of purchase and must include a legitimate reason.
General Guidelines
- Buyers must not initiate a chargeback without first contacting support.
- Sharing or leaking the loader is strictly prohibited.
- Buyers are accountable for any misuse of the loader, including misuse by their staff.
License Restrictions
- Reselling the license is strictly forbidden.
- Modifying loader files is not permitted, except for configuration files.
- All licenses are tied to a specific Discord account.
- Buyers are responsible for any misuse linked to their Discord account.
Additional Terms
The software is provided "as is," without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to:
- Warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
- We assume no liability for damages or claims, including but not limited to:
- Lost profits
- Lost data
- Business interruptions
Software Updates and Modifications
- We reserve the right to update or modify the software at any time to improve performance, security, or features.
- Updates may affect compatibility; it is the user's responsibility to ensure compatibility.
Detection Disclaimer
- The software's detection mechanisms are not guaranteed to identify all cheats.
- We assume no responsibility for damages caused by undetected cheats.
- Purchasing or using the software constitutes agreement to these terms, even if the terms are not explicitly read.
- Buyers also agree to comply with our Discord rules as outlined in the #rules channel.
Violations of these terms may result in the following penalties:
- Permanent ban from our Discord server.
- Permanent removal of the license.